Dear Friends

Welcome to my blog, a series of semi-regular musings, memories, meditations and meanderings. I invite your comments, if for no other reason that it helps me know that someone is reading, but it would also be nice to know if any of these reflections resonate with you. While I mostly write for my own whimsical need to get it down, I also write for my friends and family, to share something of myself and to stir up a few collective memories. The menu above roughly breaks entries into Fragments:  pretty much random memories; Happy Valley : At present, some reflections on backpacking, but there may be more to come

For those who shared the journeys, it makes more sense to read these offerings in order: 1) Avalanche Pass 2) Seville Lake 3) Sugarloaf 4) Roaring River 5) Avalanche/Moraine Meadow 6) Base Camp)

Musings: exactly that; Fishing: for no other reason than it seems to have become its own category. I would appreciate any feedback, especially in terms of how these pages are organized. There is no master plan. I rarely know what I am going to write until I sit at my keyboard. Most entries are generated during morning walks with our dogs, at first Bilko, then Doc and now Duke, who have perhaps my muses. Thank you for visiting. It would please me to read any comments that you have. Enjoy. Dennis

If you would like to follow my blog, please sign up on the right edge of this page. Thanks.

7 comments / Add your comment below

  1. Hey Dennis,
    OK I admit I’ve lurked here a couple of times and have not left any comment whatsoever.
    I have enjoyed reading some of the blogs that you have shared here. It’s inspiring in that I have thought of either writing a blog or just writing a personal history for the family archives if there ever is such a thing to be compiled at some future time.
    I would love to reconnect with you beyond the realm of facebook, which in the past I have visited every once in awhile.
    Keep up the great writing.

  2. Friends. At the suggestion of a friend, I have taken a shot at writing a memoir in the 3rd person. You will find it here as “Paradise”. I would appreciate any feedback.

  3. Dennis, I’ve been missing a lot of your blogs because I haven’t been on FB much lately so I’m glad you added the subscription link. Now I can get caught up. 🙂 Mayo

  4. Drice (Dennis),

    January 27th, 2015. I have just recently arrived back home in Minnesota from Cathedral City, California about 24 hours ago after a bittersweet trip to see my grandparents. I believe you worked for them, twice actually after you totaled the delivery van. Roger probably has told me this story, along with so many that I wish I could remember. I find it hard to retain all of the stories of their life while I listen to them, always in awe of their amazing life.

    My mother is Jody Pearson, Roger and Nancy Pearson’s first child followed by Tobi, Cris, and Roger Jr.

    You may remember her, she did know your reference of Tim McGee in your post: The Uncorked Truth, and immediately knew who he was and she had not even read it yet. I had not dug deep enough into your blog to know what your first or last name was and had to call her immediately…before I could even cite my sources.

    I was on Google trying to find any pictures, wikipedia page, library source, anything that mentioned my grandparent’s legendary store, Pearson’s Brentwood. After two failed Google searches (order of words was the problem), my third and final attempt for the night was, “Roger Pearson’s California Wine Store.” Your blog post titled: “Lessons Learned: the uncorked truth” was the first site that came up. I have searched for the store in the past with little to zero luck. I was shocked that I had finally found something, and I knew I had something legitimate because of the blurb describing the article ” but the store was run by his son Roger Pearson…The California wine industry was just getting its own legs…” Roger, Nancy, my mother and I talked 2 nights ago about the wine industries that were just getting on their legs when the store was open.The date is for May of 2014 when this was posted, just under a year ago.

    I was hoping and would have loved to find a Wikipedia page of the history of the store, its employees, and I’ll be honest… the glamorous customers; instead I found something more precious. Instead, I found your experience with my grandparents, Roger Pearson at Pearson’s Brentwood and the invaluable lessons of hard work. That is more than a page in history, and I am so happy that I did not find what I had originally been searching for.

    Your honest and kinds words of your experiences with my grandfather are the definition of his character as well as my grandmother’s. I cannot begin to express how reading what you have written about them has completely melted my heart. They have touched so many lives in infinite ways, whether you were a neighbor, employee, customer, friend, family, or someone they sheltered. I have always known this, but it has become more obvious to me in the last few days I have visited them, although the extent to this is much larger than I can comprehend.
    Roger and Nancy are now both recently in hospice at their home of 25 years in Cathedral City. The phone rings every 10 minutes from a loved one. There are hundreds of cards. Trust me, I organized half of them. They have friends and family come every day near or far. It is beautiful.

    Thank you so much for “keeping your mouth shut and listening” and for raising glasses with my grandfather. I am priviledged to have done the same throughout my life and this past weekend with them.

    My mother will read them what you have written and I’m sure more glasses will be raised as always. If you would like to contact them or myself you can contact me at address below, it would mean the world to them. And you won’t have to wonder what became of Rod Pearson and the wine cellar. Their story isn’t over yet, but it is a pretty damn good one.

    Thank you

    Hannah Myers

  5. Hi,

    I just visited and wondered if you’d ever thought about having an engaging video to explain what you do?

    Our videos cost just $195 for a 30 second video ($239 for 60 seconds) and include a full script, voice-over and video.

    I can show you some previous videos we’ve done if you want me to send some over. Let me know if you’re interested in seeing samples of our previous work.



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