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Dear Friends

Welcome to my blog, a series of semi-regular musings, memories, meditations and meanderings. I invite your comments, if for no other reason that it helps me know that someone is reading, but it would also be nice to know if any of these reflections resonate with you. While I mostly write for my own whimsical need to get it down, I also write for my friends and family, to share something of myself and to stir up a few collective memories. The menu above roughly breaks entries into Fragments:  pretty much random memories; Happy Valley : At present, some reflections on backpacking, but there may be more to come; Musings: exactly that; Fishing: for no other reason than it seems to have become its own category. I would appreciate any feedback, especially in terms of how these pages are organized. There is no master plan. I rarely know what I am going to write until I sit at my keyboard. Most entries are generated during morning walks with our dog, Doc, who is perhaps my muse. Thank you for visiting. It would please me to read any comments that you have. Enjoy. Dennis

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